Mental Health Support for Children and Youth, their Parents and Caregivers
Available in-person, by-phone, or online in English and en Français.
Because Mental Health Can’t Wait.

Getting started with New Path’s free mental health counselling services
Access free counselling support by booking an appointment through the Quick Access Counselling Clinic. Appointments are available in-person, by phone or online and can be made up to two weeks ahead of time and on the same day.
You can also book an appointment by phone and via email.
Please call us at: 705-725-7656 or email us:
What to Expect at New Path
If you would like more information about receiving service from our agency and what you may expect from us during your involvement, please read: What to Expect as a New Path Client to learn more.
You can also read our Client Booklet.
Our Services
New Path offers a range of mental health services for children and youth, their parents and caregivers. Services are provided using various evidence based practices to help children and youth in handling their emotions to improve their quality of life.
A range of mental health services for children aged 0-12 years are available at New Path.
A range of mental health services for youth between the ages of 12 and 18 are available in person, by-phone and online.
Parents & Caregivers
New Path works closely with parents and caregivers to support children and youth in their mental wellness journey.
Services en français
New Path offre une gamme de services de santé mentale gratuits à l’intention des enfants et des jeunes.
If you or someone you know is at risk of suicide call or text Suicide Crisis Helpline 9-8-8
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis call:
Simcoe County Mental Health Crisis Line 705-728-5044 or 1-888-893-8333
Community Crisis Response Service (for South Simcoe and York Region): 310-COPE at 1-855-310-COPE (2673) or visit your nearest emergency department. You can also text COPE at 1-855-310-2673 or chat with a crisis worker online
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868
Telecare Distress Line for Simcoe County 705-726-7922
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please contact 9-1-1 or go to an emergency department or local hospital.
Learn more about our services below or connect with us if you have any questions:
705-725-7656 or
Across all of our locations, a full range of assessment and counselling services are provided by a team of professional counsellors that support children, youth and their families in their mental wellness journey. This includes individual, family and group counselling.
Upon a thorough assessment of needs, counselling services are provided to children, youth and families in the environment that best meets their needs. This can include a New Path office location, at-home, in the community, and at school.
Targeted prevention focuses on changing views and behaviours, building skills, and/or creating awareness and resiliency through providing information, education and programming to at-risk populations. Targeted prevention takes place at many different locations, including at schools, healthcare and community settings (for example, EarlyON Centres), and may involve healthcare practitioners and educators as partners.
Brief services focus on reducing the severity of and/or supporting positive change in the emotional, social, behavioural, and self-regulation challenges of children and youth. One to three counselling sessions address the immediate needs of children or youth.
Counselling and therapy services are for children and youth experiencing moderate to more complex mental health concerns. Services are provided within the context of the family, culture and community and can be delivered in a range of settings.
Families (including parents, caregivers, guardians, siblings and other family members) have a critical role to play in promoting and supporting the mental wellness of their family members. Family capacity building and support services may include access to peer support that promotes resilience and positive child, youth, and family functioning.
Specialized consultation and assessments are designed to provide advice in the assessment, diagnosis, prognosis and/or treatment of a child or youth with identified mental health needs. Children and youth may only receive a specialized consultation or assessment as a component of their treatment plan.
Intensive treatment services are for those children and youth who have been diagnosed or identified as having a mental health concern that impairs their functioning in some or many ways. Many of these children and youth will require intensive support either for a defined period of time or at different times throughout their lives, to maintain functioning in their home, school, and/or community.
Intensive treatment services include:
- community-based/day treatment services
- in-home services
- live-in treatment services
This is one of the most effective evidence-based parenting programs in the world, backed up by more than 35 years of ongoing research. Triple P gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them build strong, healthy relationships, confidently manage their children’s behaviour and prevent problems developing.
The PPP group is 8 sessions: 4 group sessions at the office, 3 check in telephone calls and 1 final group session.
Learn More:

Our commitment to you and those seeking support with New Path
At New Path, we are dedicated to delivering the highest quality services that support children and youth, their parents and caregivers in their mental wellness journey. Through engaging in quality assurance activities on an ongoing basis and fostering an environment that promotes accountability, transparency and trust, we are able to achieve our commitment to providing high-quality mental health services.