High Quality Mental Health Support for Children, Youth, their Parents and Caregivers
At New Path, we are dedicated to delivering high-quality, evidence-based mental health services and supports to children, youth and their families in an environment that promotes accountability, transparency, and trust.
We engage in many activities on an ongoing basis to achieve our core commitment to providing quality services. These activities foster an environment that is responsive to client and family needs and helps us identify opportunities to enhance our services and overall organizational performance as a leading mental health agency.
All New Path Clients Have the Right to:

- be treated with dignity and respect without discrimination
- a service that respects and honours cultural diversity and strives to accommodate the uniqueness of individuals being served including the right to receive spiritual/religious instruction in the faith of the client’s choice, where applicable
- privacy and confidentiality so long as is legally and ethically possible
- receive service in an environment that promotes a feeling of safety and security
- make a complaint about a service and to be well oriented to New Path’s Resolution of complaints policy and procedure
- accessible services that promote and respect dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.
- be engaged as a partner in the planning for services, make decisions about services and discontinue services within the limits set by service agreements
- a service that promotes autonomy, skill development and an optimum quality of life
Please visit the Compliments and Complaints webpage if you wish to speak to someone about a concern regarding service at New Path.

Continuous Quality Improvement
New Path’s continuous quality improvement (CQI) strategy ensures that we meet quality standards through a quality assurance (QA) process and program evaluation. Our practices are based on a framework where we evaluate, monitor and learn to apply quality improvement best practices ensuring that we maintain high quality programs expected by the children and youth, their families and caregivers we serve and by our many community partners and stakeholders.
Our CQI framework includes our program evaluation process which, based on foundational data and context provided by QA, informs stage of needs and future planning. Our programs/services are evaluated at different stages depending on the needs, maturity or monitoring initiatives identified by QA.
Through the QA strategy in the CQI framework, key elements of service quality are monitored regularly, allowing us to respond quickly to any gaps and provide a strong evidence base for operational decision making and planning.
Key elements monitored in our CQI strategy include:
- wait times, service durations
- client outcomes based on a variety of standardize assessment measurement tools
- client’s experience of care
As program evaluation and QA initiatives identify changes to be done, we apply Quality Improvement (QI) processes based on Lean practices to incrementally make changes, and learn to make the sustainable through the programs, services and organization.

Performance Management
New Path uses a Balanced Scorecard approach for organizational performance management. The indicators in the Balanced Scorecard help illustrate how our agency is performing on key strategic and operational priorities. It is updated quarterly.

In 2021, New Path was awarded full accreditation by the Canadian Centre for Accreditation (CCA) for a 4-year term. New Path is proud to be accredited by CCA, an independent non-profit organization that offers accreditation specifically tailored to community-based health and social services across Canada. CCA offers accreditation based on recognized best practices in governance, leadership, and management that promotes ongoing quality improvement and responsive, effective community services.
Our Board
Our volunteer board of directors is made up of extraordinary individuals who are passionate about leadership and governance. Our board contributes to building better futures for the over 3000 children, youth, families and their caregivers with mental health needs who access our services every year.
Our Funders and Partners
New Path embraces relationships with agencies across Simcoe County to support children, youth, their families and caregivers in their mental wellness journey. New Path is funded through the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS) to offer fully-funded child and youth mental health services when and where you need them. We also receive support from The County of Simcoe, Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre, The Knowledge Institute, The Government of Canada and Medavie.