Contact New Path
If you have questions, or would like to take the first step in accessing mental health support, please reach out. Our team will help you understand your needs and work with you to find the best program for you, your child, or family. If you are currently working with a counsellor, please call them directly to book your next appointment.
Get in Touch
Send us a Message

Fill out the information below and a member of our team will reach out to share opportunities for getting involved.

New Path’s Leadership Team
Jim Harris, CEO
Lisa Cluett, Director of Services
Kim Moreau, Manager of Finance
Magda Montagnese, Manager of Continuous Quality Improvement
Tara Powers, Manager of Human Resources
Dominika Zapolnik, Manager of Communications
Gord Bain, Manager of Clinical Services
Kyle Murray, Manager of Clinical Services
Bijumon Peter, Director of Operations and Planning
Brandie Sanders, Manager of Clinical Services
Maureen Armstrong, Executive Assistant and Board Liaison

Resolution of Complaints
New Path is dedicated to delivering the highest quality services and supports to children, youth, their families and caregivers in an environment that promotes accountability, transparency and trust.
We do our best to offer high-quality service, but if a problem arises we want to resolve it with you. Our complaint process may be used at any time during your involvement with New Path.

Locations where you need us
New Path has office locations across Simcoe County. Our goal is to ensure you are able to access child and youth mental health supports when and where you need them. Click on a location below to learn more and to book an appointment for free counselling services in-person, by-phone and online.
Because Mental Health Can’t Wait.
If you or someone you know is at risk of suicide call or text Suicide Crisis Helpline 9-8-8
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis call:
Simcoe County Mental Health Crisis Line 705-728-5044 or 1-888-893-8333
Community Crisis Response Service (for South Simcoe and York Region): 310-COPE at 1-855-310-COPE (2673) or visit your nearest emergency department. You can also text COPE at 1-855-310-2673 or chat with a crisis worker online
Kids Help Phone 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT to 686868
Telecare Distress Line for Simcoe County 705-726-7922
If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please contact 9-1-1 or go to an emergency department or local hospital.