Our Commitment to Providing Accessible Services
New Path is committed to supporting an accessible Ontario for all individuals in the province. This means that we are committed to developing policies, practices, and procedures that provide accessible services to all our clients and to ensuring our services are provided to clients with disabilities in a manner that promotes and respects dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.
Accessibility Feedback Form
New Path is committed to providing excellent customer service and your feedback is important to help us improve your experience. We would like to hear your comments, questions and suggestions about the provision of our materials or services to people with disabilities.
If you would like to submit feedback to us related to your experience, please fill out the form below, or download the feedback form. This form may be provided in an alternative format, upon request. Please contact The Manager of Human Resources at HR@newpath.ca.
It can be returned to our HR Department by fax: 705-735-6826, by email HR@newpath.ca or by mail: 165 Ferris Lane, Barrie, Ontario, L4M 2Y1.
Any personal information is collected pursuant to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, and the Ontario Regulation, 191/11: INTEGRATED ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS, and the Customer Service Standard, and will be used strictly for the purpose of responding to your feedback.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
As an organization, we have worked hard to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility including creating and implementing policies and procedures that guide our work. New Path is in compliance with legislative standards for accessibility. This plan shows how New Path is and will continue to do its part in making Ontario an accessible province for everyone.
This document may be provided in an alternative format, upon request. Please contact Human Resources at HR@newpath.ca.

Because Mental Health Can’t Wait
New Path offers a range of free mental health services for children, youth, families and caregivers in English and en français. We will work with you to answer your questions, guide you through the services that are available, and match you with support in the community that best meets your needs.
If you are over the age of 18, or are a parent or guardian looking for mental health support, there is help through 1Door available in our region.